U.S. Submarine Veterans
Lehigh Valley Base
"To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution”.
The Lehigh Valley Base is the official chartered regional base of the United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. The Organization consists of men who qualified on Submarines in the United States Submarine Service during any era of it's historic existence. Immediate family members of those who served are also eligible for membership.
The membership provides honorary membership to those Boy Scouts who attain the rank of Eagle Scout, foster and conduct a program entitled "Kaps4Kids", wherein the submarine veterans visit children in hospitals throughout the country to provide them with Honorary Submariner Certificates and an official ball cap. We design and construct
The membership provides honorary membership to those Boy Scouts who attain the rank of Eagle Scout, foster and conduct a program entitled "Kaps4Kids", wherein the submarine veterans visit children in hospitals throughout the country to provide them with Honorary Submariner Certificates and an official ball cap. We design and construct museums through the USA to honor the men who have served in Submarines and to demonstrate and teach what submarines do to protect our Country.
With several projects in the works, we are asking for your support. Please kindly consider a charitable donation through the USSVI Charitable Foundation. Click the donate button, below, or send directly to the Lehigh Valley Base of USSVI:
4297 Elm Drive
Allentown, PA
On March 9th, Bob Price, George Dolgos, Jim Dalmaso and Bill Rieghtler did a two hour presentation at Kutztown University entitled “The Silent Service” as part of the Senior Scholar Program at the university.
WWII submarine vets are gone. Now their memorial is gone. That's shameful.
Read the full story here: https://todaypennsylvania.com/submarine-veterans-fight-to-save-lehigh-valley-torpedo-memorial-2/172933/
Our most recent Holland Club members were inducted at a ceremony held at Allentown's West Park. Congratulations Shipmates!
August 2020: Base members restored the West Park monument to its former glory by chipping and repainting the anchor located in Allentown's West Park.
According to the Allentown Morning Call, it is "A memorial of the USS Allentown. A monogrammed brick was installed at Center Square, compliments of Martin Schaffer, a local Navy historian and veteran of the USS Redfin who has taken an interest in the Allentown. he USS Allentown, a United States Navy Tacoma-class frigate in commission from 1944 to 1945, has thus far been the only U.S. Navy ship to be named for Allentown, Pennsylvania."
Interesting facts about the Allentown, including mascot "Amazing" can be found in an article published by the Morning Call in 1990:
The Holland Club is a special group of members of the United States Submarine Veterans who have been designated “Qualified in Submarines” by the United States Navy for 50 or more years.
Shipmate Thomas Sabol has met these requirements.
The men of the Holland Club can best be described in these ten words: Pride, Past, Present, Patriotism, Honor, Duty, Commitment, Professionalism, Courage and Leadership.
Pride: Pride in the title “SUBMARINER.” They dared to do what others feared and went where others dared not. Pride in whom and what they were and are today. Pride in whom and what they represent today, the United States Submarine Veterans, and pride in the Silver or Gold Dolphins on their chests.
Past: For all they achieved as members of the United States Submarine Force, the Silent Service, and now as members of the United States Submarine Veterans.
Present: Continuing to recognize and honor our submarine traditions as members of the United States Submarine Veterans; fulfilling our creed to honor the memory of our lost shipmates.
Patriotism: The unwavering love for their country and pride in having served it.
Honor: Their feeling of self-pride for having done what is right and respecting others who have shown us how.
Duty: Doing their job, constantly striving to do the best they could for themselves and, most of all, their fellow shipmates by supporting their and the United States Submarine Veterans.
Commitment: Keeping their word not because they had to, but because they chose to and their shipmates knowing it; being an active part of the crew.
Professionalism: Always doing their job to the best of their ability. Each and every member of a submarine crew depends upon his shipmates to do it right and do it right the first time.
Courage: That special quality that allowed them to dare to do and go where other men feared and the desire to be called “shipmate” by men of that caliber.
Leadership: The ability and qualities they displayed as they served their active duty tours and they continue to display as a member of the United States Submarine Veterans.
Congratulations Shipmate!
Silent Service is more than just a coloring book - it is an informative, child-appropriate look inside a submarine. Follow the crew as they set up the ship and go about their daily lives including: eating, sleeping and communicating with loved ones.
About the Author:
Dr. Kathleen Dolgos is a retired college professor who spent her career teaching both mathematics and education courses. Dr. Dolgos is married to submariner, George Dolgos. George became a Holland Club member, an honor given to submariners who have been qualified in submarines for a minimum of fifteen years. Dr. Dolgos developed this coloring book in an effort to help children of submariners understand how their loved ones will live and serve to protect our country.
Additional credits:
Writing/Design: Denise Dolgos
Illustration: Nathan Gregg
Concepting: Zachary Kochanek
Base Meetings are held the 2nd Sunday of every month at 14:00.
510 West Union Street, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18102, United States